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Arkansas Duck Hunting, Field Leases & Lodging • 400 W. Elm Plantation Rd., Altheimer, AR 72004 • (312) 350-8807


Our Team


Kim Vassaur Freeman


A native of Arkansas, our leader, owner and CEO Kim Vassaur Freeman grew up just down the road from The Elms. This lifelong hunter, outdoorswoman loves spending time with her family and, really, any outdoor adventure – and of course, her posse of dogs. Kim’s experience and strategic vision guide The Elms each and every day. Matter of fact, she’s been actively engaged in the overall business of the Elms (hunting and agriculture) for the past three decades. When you come visit and hunt with us, everything you see on the property reflects Kim’s comfort, care and a most unique Southern charm. 


Randy Sowell

Property and Facilities Manager

We've been blessed to have Randy on our team for close to two decades as Facility Manager. He’s been extremely important to practically every aspect of the operations here within and outside the gates of The Elms. He manages our lands that scatter across the Arkansas River Valley and does it with a drive and desire to put forth for you, the waterfowl hunter, the finest experience possible and one you will look back upon fondly. Randy is an avid angler (do not get him started talking deep sea fishing!), hunter, outdoorsman and one who lives the country lifestyle. He'll greet you with a warm smile and will make certain we do all we can to make your time at The Elms unforgettable. 


Patrick Sawatzky

Building, Construction, Hospitality Manager

When it comes to Patrick, let us put it to you this way: a jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times better than a master of one. True, so very true. He’s our Manager of Building and Construction as well as our Hospitality Manager. Yes…he along with Randy will build an addition to one of our cabins by day and treat you to culinary fare at night. A native of California, Patrick has been with us nearly 15 years and loves calling the “Natural State” home. 


Susan Blankenship

Food and Beverage Assistant

A warm smile awaits when you see Sue at The Elms. She loves to cook country style, so we know you will love what she shares with you during the week this season. Not only does she assist us here at The Elms, she also aids Kim in another business interest. Married for 42 years, she has two children and loves spending time with family and grandkids in Houston. Direct from Susan, “I’m so looking forward to the 2023/2024 waterfowl season and seeing all our wonderful guests at The Elms.”


Melissa Wessels Robinson

Food and Beverage Assistant

Another native of Arkansas, Melissa grew up 5 miles from the Elms in Wabbaseka. She’s worked in the agriculture/grain industry for over 37 years so is definitely a pro when it comes to what is planted, harvested and how The Elms manages its properties for ducks and geese. Melissa has known Kim and her family for ages and has started her second year with us here at The Elms. She will be cooking and serving for you Friday and Saturday evenings. When not busy in the ag-business and busy with us, she thoroughly enjoys fishing, ATV riding and reading. Melissa is a true country girl at heart.

Our Guides:


Luke Nida

Felix Smart

John Eric Clark


Arkansas World-Class Duck Hunting, Field Leases & Lodging • 400 W. Elm Plantation Rd., Altheimer, AR 72004 • (501) 690-0164

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