When our calendar here at The Elms turns to May, most of our crops have been planted, though a great deal of work now begins as we press forward into the 2023/2024 season.
While we continuously work on the grounds inside The Elms’ Plantation Home properties, we also work hard in the off-season our accommodations. The crew here is busily working on some updates to our Hunt Cabin and Carriage House which we will be glad to share with you when you arrive – more comforts for you and colleagues when you are away from home.

For parties of two, we are adding onto our Carriage House with a new bedroom and bath so each hunter will have his/her own space to relax and unwind into. Both have satellite television and Internet service. All the comforts of home when you are hunting with us.
Many of you travel great distances to hunt with us so we intend to do all we can to care for you when you are here with us in Arkansas. Our great state is magical in the fall; we love to share the wonders of waterfowl it beholds with our very special guests when flights wing their way towards us.
From the “duckie” perspective – we are busy developing a couple of our timber hunting areas into those which will hold water more consistently and deliver ducks to our hardwoods. As with every season that comes and goes as we plan for the next – we work extremely hard to make our areas even more attractive to ducks and geese that frequent them…and for those of you who pursue them.

Anyway…we are here. Call us at 312-350-8807 if you’d like to chat up a date for you, colleagues, friends or family.
We are here to do our absolute best so you and your hunting party make memories to last a lifetime.
Duck Diva