Say “Hello” to Lead Guide Ross Juelfs
We are pleased to announce (and fortunate to do so!) we have somehow, someway been blessed to have Ross Juelfs as our head guide this coming season. Ross hails from Western Nebraska. He’s been a lifelong hunter/angler whose journeys have taken him across most of the United States, Canada and Mexico chasing waterfowl. He began commercially guiding for his families’ hunting operation at age 12. Most notably and recently he was outdoor manager for Cheyenne Ridge (specifically North Platte Outpost) for the past 14 years where he guided for fowl, deer and turkey. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Wyoming in wildlife and fisheries management. So, all told, he knows much about conservation and wildlife management and is one of the very finest guides you will ever hunt with. Ross has been featured in such publications as: Ducks Unlimited, American Waterfowler, American Hunter, Sporting Classics, Beretta catalog and also featured in the Winchester Legends and Benelli American Safari television shows. And, he can call like no other…really. Anyway…you’ll enjoy Ross’ sense of humor and his insights on your hunt – you’ll truly relish your time with him this coming season at the Elms.
Zip, Zip…Zoom, Zoom!
Early teal season came and went as quickly as a flock of blue wing sailing into and out of the decoy spread. Gunning was fast and furious with, well, a lot of misses but some great shots as well. Teal are not only a veritable blast to hunt, but exquisite table fare if prepared properly. We love ‘em soaked in marinade for a few hours, wrapped up with cream cheese and jalapenos and, (keep them red in the middle), braised on the grill at super high heat. Mmmm, mmm. Our guests chase them with ice cold beer or some of our select bourbons on the rocks. Though the 2022 early season blew by and is now in the distance (as we await mallards and pinnies to grace our flooded fields!), please reach out to us to set an outing for you to hunt these high-flyers during our 2023 early teal season. We are here to serve you and your colleagues so simply let us know how. Our mission is to show you great hunts and pamper you all along the way.
No Plugs. No Limits. Whack and Stack Snows, Blues and Ross’ Geese!
Ladies and gentleman…lock & load…Conservation Goose Season in Arkansas promises hot and heavy action! The Elms Lodge is booking hunts now for the 2023 Conservation season – call early and often as dates for these super-fun hunts over thousands of decoys book fast!! Please reach to our General Manager Bob Edwards at 843-247-300 or email at bob@theelmslodge.com. If you have never been part of a Conservation hunt, well, now is the time. There is nothing quite like the experience of seeing thousands of geese overhead, but also having them commit to the spread. Ahhh…the sights, the sounds, the anticipation! Spring Conservation hunts are something each and every waterfowl hunter should experience a handful of times. Reach out now for an
adventure like no other!
Until next time,
Duck Diva