Our first split is but behind us and we are now into the throes of the 2023/2024 season. We are currently covered in snows and blues (which we don't chase…just too impractical) and specks and are beginning to see more ducks as the days pass. We’ve been doing really well on specks both on our properties and properties managed by an outfitter we partner with. Best known as “ribeye of the sky,” specks are wonderful table fare.

One of our earlier groups had the kitchen crew prepare (medium rare of course) a limit of the day for their party and invited our staff crew to join them. We added some red wine and fresh veggies…delectable, just delectable. Should you come hunt with us or have the opportunity to chase specks wherever you choose, fix them up with your
favorite recipe and enjoy.
And to ducks: our first group of the season had a good morning shoot on them though things slowed a bit afterwards. Our weather, and weather surrounding us, has been quite odd; warmer than usual with a bad thunderstorm to boot this past weekend. However, looks like we will have a very stable pattern beginning now through the end of the year. Sunshine and ducks…our guests love both.

When with us this season, coffee is always on in our Cookhouse Cottage prior to our guides picking you up for a morning hunt. Once you've arrived in your blind, your guide will have warm coffee, goodies and once mid-morning arrives, he’ll hand you a breakfast burrito or sausage sandwich…and back to the hunt you go. After a morning hunt, you’ll be whisked back to The Elms for a scrumptious brunch served Southern Style (make certain to hit biscuits and gravy!) which you can follow up with a nap before your afternoon hunt.
Dinner, yes dinner…we precede dinner with hors d’ oeuvres and cocktails of your choosing before we invite you to sit down and enjoy the likes of: grilled filet with trimmings; Southern fried pork chops and fixins; beef pot roast with potatoes and added extras. Whichever the case, we know you’ll not leave hungry as you join us around the fire pit in our center square or head back to your cabin to talk business, share stories and talk of the day to come.
We’d like to share, most importantly, with you and your fine families, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are blessed to know and have hunted with many of you and sincerely look forward to doing all we can to assist in making memories of your hunting adventures down the line.